No to a Trach-12.11.14

Amber still has a fever. Antibiotics have been changed again. The tests here are nothing short of amazing. Just because the antibiotics changed doesn't mean she was being treated with the wrong ones. It just means they found even better ones that cover more.
Yesterday I posted about getting a trach. We even started the process and met with the surgeon, but the very moment I hit the "post" button, we started getting visitors and you all started posting and sending me messages and praying. I really can't explain it, but I started feeling a peace about things as the night went on. I believe God brought the right people to us at the right time that said the right words.
Today is a new day and we have decided NOT to get a trach. I am waiting to talk to the doctor who is THE expert around here for what we are going through, but we already know we are going to continue to believe and get Amber better without a trach. Do I want to see her suffer? NO!!! But Amber is a tough girl and we are believing she is going to be healed. I have asked to meet with the dietician to see if we can get some vitamins and good stuff in her. Also, I have started putting some specific essential oil on her hands to open up her airways. 
Last night she was able to go without getting extra pain and sedative meds!!!! That was a first!!!! Baby steps.....
Please keep praying! Your prayers are getting us through!
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.
John 14:27

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